Where are you at?

Marketing Wanaka

Brand Awareness is a nice token 'marketing' word however what does it mean? Well, in short it means who knows about you, where are you being seen and heard, and what do your customers think when they think about your brand? You might have an idea of how you want to be portrayed however are your customers telling the same story? Are the channels you are using the most effective way to reach your customers? Here in Wanaka we have a variety of options, radio, newspaper, online, The messenger, flyers... but have you thought outside the square? How are you going to get through all the clutter to your customers.  Marketing can be a beast, taking the time to sit down and check you are telling the right story is a great start.

Why marketing why?!

Some of you may think you have this marketing fandangle down... and I am sure some of you do! However there is only so much you can see from inside the business.  Taking the time to talk to customers, clients and friends and ask them what they think your brand looks like, acts like and represents will give you a much better insight! 

How long are your arms??

How far is your brand reach? Is there opportunity to go further? Maybe you are only talking to those inside your circles and there is potential to get even more exposure.  Sometimes it is easy to think about those that 'need' your business.  But what about those that don't know they need you?? Thinking outside the square is important! The first step would be to brain storm... its not until you get over 10 ideas that things start to get really fun.....
